Barcodes 1D and 2D
Available only with Variable Data Printing Extension.
It is possible to add 1D (eg. EAN) and 2D (eg. QR code) barcodes using custom objects. With this feature, many different types of codes can be added to the output PDF. This code can be constant (eg. to control the print production process) or variable (as a part of the resulting printed matter). You can set the size, color and other code parameters.
The individual property groups are available using Value, Type, and Appearance tabs.
The Custom value for code generation you can enter to the text field. This value can be static or you can use a combination of text and fields from a data file (similar to a text object). You can show box for easy editing this value. Another option is to use the name of the input PDF, either the whole name or a part from beginning or from end. The last option makes it easy to use single field value from a data file field for code generation. It is possible to set the number of repetitions of the same record from the data file, whether the same record will be used on the back side, whether pages for imposition are repeated from the beginning if all pages are imposed or if only the last page is repeated. It is possible to set rotation of the code and whether it will be rotated 180° on the back.
Select the second tab to set the code type and its properties. These properties are different for individual codes, some codes do not have any properties. The last tab allows you to set scale, height of some linear codes and their border (these parameters are set as a multiple of the module size – the smallest element size – lines, spaces, etc.). Some codes need white space (in background color) left and right, you can set also border around the code in background color or in code color. For some codes (e.g., EAN), you can add human readable text.
Different code types require different values – some must be only numeric, some can contain ASCII characters, others require a fixed length, etc. The GS1 codes require the AI identifier entered using [square bracket] notation. The additional code for the EAN code can be entered behind the main value after the + sign. Check digit is calculated automatically, but can be entered manually too (for most codes that contain a check digit). If the code cannot be generated on the currently displayed sheet, the warning triangle with an error description is displayed right bottom (click on it or in bubble help).
Supported codes: Australia Post, Aztec Code, Aztec Runes, Channel Code, Codabar, Codablock-F, Code 11, Code 128, Code 16K, Code 2 of 5 Data Logic, Code 2 of 5 IATA, Code 2 of 5 Industrial, Code 2 of 5 Interleaved, Code 2 of 5 Matrix, Code 32, Code 3 of 9 (Code 39), Code 3 of 9 Extended , Code 49, Code 93, Code One, Data Matrix ECC200, Deutsche Post, DotCode, Dutch Post KIX Code, EAN, Facing Identif. Mark (FIM), Flattermarken, Grid Matrix, GS1-128 (UCC.EAN-128), GS1 DataBar, ITF-14, ISBN, Japanese Postal Code, Korean Postal Code, LOGMARS, Maxicode, MicroPDF417, Micro QR Code, MSI Plessey, NVE-18, PDF417, Pharmacode, Pharma Zentralnumber (PZN), PLANET, PostNet, QR Code, Royal Mail 4 State (RM4SCC), Telepen, Plessey Code, UPNQR, UPC A, UPC E, USPS OneCode, DAFT Code, including formats used in health industry.
Short description of barcode types you can find in the application documentation.