Imposition and Template Files

Impositions can be saved for further use or editing. Imposition names are generated automatically according to the name of the imported PDF and the template used (with "_i" suffix). If more PDFs are imported "_etc" is added at the end of the name of the first PDF and the following PDFs are not displayed in the name. After the imposition is saved the name does not automatically change anymore. The name of the imposition is also used for the name of the exported PDF file .

Montax Imposer uses ".mox" extension for its data files. These files contain all imposition properties, including all palettes settings and parameters. Links to pages for imposition which were opened when the imposition was saved are also stored, even if the pages were not used in the imposition – for example when they were unmarked.

Opening an imposition file does not change the programs preference settings. Imposition files contain units that were selected when saving the file. These units will be re-calculated to currently set units when the file is opened without changing the imposition appearance or the preferences.

Note: when opening a file Montax Imposer checks whether the palettes needed for imposition are displayed – if some of them are hidden, they will be shown.

Files with Pages for Imposition

All page settings, the order of pages, links to PDF files or images etc. are included in the imposition file. The original source files are not stored; however, a control is run when a file is opened to verify if the files are still available at the path were they were when saving the imposition and also whether they were changed. If the source files are not found a warning is shown and they can be found manually at a new path. When this is skipped it is still possible to work with the imposition, however some features like previews of the missing pages will not be available. It is necessary to find the missing files prior to PDF export when another control is run allowing the user to find them. If these files are no longer available and we need to impose other files it can be done by deleting missing pages and by importing a new PDF or images (or selecting the option to replace current pages during the import). It is also possible to select a different PDF or images to replace the missing one when manually selecting its location. If the missing files were found automatically or manually during the control but they have been changed (e.g. number of pages, their size etc.) a warning is displayed and the imposition will be updated according to the newly found PDFs (images).


Template files are identical to imposition files with a single difference – they do not contain pages for imposition. They are intended to be used for commonly used impositions by importing pages for imposition that the user needs to impose. Montax Imposer also allows the user to open an imposition as a template – loading all the settings and properties except for the imposed pages. Templates can also be created from imposition files by selecting "Save as template" – all settings and properties will be saved, except for the imposed pages.